
Logistics- and Industrial Market Overview

H1 2024

Logistics space take-up remains below average

August 06, 2024

Lowest half-year take-up recorded since 2012

In the first half of 2024, the German market for warehousing and logistics space recorded a take-up of around 2.64 million sqm (owner-occupiers and lettings), with owner-occupiers accounting for 27% of this volume. This is the lowest take-up volume recorded since 2012. Despite falling a mere 3.0% short of the previous year's figure (H1 2023: 2.72 million sqm), the take-up volume was down 27% on the five-year average for a first half-year. The number of contracts concluded fell by 12% year-on-year to 300, down 25% on the five-year average for a first half-year (400).

The low take-up was largely due to the continuing tough economic conditions. Many occupiers are uncertain about their own economic prospects and future space requirements, and therefore remain cautious, preferring to extend existing leases rather than planning a move and renting new space at higher rents. On the other hand there is also a lack of modern new-build space, with very few developers currently willing to build speculatively.

Of the Big 5 markets, only Frankfurt recorded an uplift in take-up

Around 671,400 sqm was taken up in the first six months in the Big 5 regions (Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich), 3.0% less than in the first six months of 2023 and 34% down on the corresponding five-year average.

The Frankfurt region recorded the highest take-up, of 243,600 sqm, an increase of 85% compared to the previous year, making it the only region in the Big 5 markets to record year-on-year growth. The other regions recorded double-digit percentage losses. For instance, a take-up volume of 133,900 sqm was registered in the Hamburg region, a reduction of 24% year-on-year. The decline in the Berlin region was similar, at -26% and a take-up volume of 110,100 sqm. 96,800 sqm (-11%) was registered in the Munich region, while Düsseldorf brought up the rear with 87,000 sqm and a fall of 31%.

So far, most demand has come from companies from the distribution / logistics sector, which secured 22% more space than in the first half of the previous year and accounted for 42% (280,000 sqm) of the total take-up volume. Eight of the ten largest deals were claimed by this sector, and they included the largest deal by Group7 AG, which commenced construction of its 60,000 sqm logistics centre in Oberding near Munich in the first quarter. Manufacturers accounted for 194,000 sqm and 29% of take-up, corresponding to a year-on-year decline of approximately 6.0%, while retailers accounted for a take-up volume of 127,000 sqm and share of just 19% (down 21% year-on-year) in the same period.

There was also a decline in construction activity: just 192,000 sqm of new warehousing space was completed in the Big 5 regions in the first half of the year, some 37% less than in the same period of the previous year and half the five-year average. Two-thirds of this space had already been let or reserved by owner-occupiers before completion. Around 503,000 sqm is currently under construction (H1 2023: 623,000 sqm), of which 42% remains unlet. One-third of the space under construction is being built in the Berlin region (around 166,000 sqm).

Weaker rise in prime rents

While increases in prime rents of between 2% and 13% for warehousing units larger than 5,000 sqm in all Big 5 regions were observed in an annual comparison, just one increase (of 3% to €8.50/sqm p.m.) was recorded in Berlin in the last three months. Rents in Munich are the highest in Germany at €10.70/sqm p.m. Düsseldorf follows with €9.00/sqm p.m., then Hamburg and Berlin with €8.50/sqm p.m. and finally Frankfurt with €7.95/sqm p.m.

Retailers assume the dominant role in larger lettings outside the Big 5 regions

Around 1.97 million sqm was taken up outside the Big 5 regions* in the first half of the year. This falls 3% short of the previous year’s figure (H1 2023: 2.03 million sqm) and 23% short of the corresponding five-year average. Owner-occupiers accounted for approximately 29% of take-up, with their share fluctuating between 21% and 41% over the last five years.

An analysis of take-up by sector shows a fairly balanced picture at the mid-year point, with companies from the distribution / logistics sector generating 33% of take-up outside the Big 5 regions, and retailers and manufacturers each responsible for approximately 30%. The picture is different when looking at the ≥50,000 sqm size category. Here, retailers dominated activity with a share of 59% and manufacturers were responsible for the remaining 41%. The distribution / logistics sector did not appear at all in the rankings. The largest deal so far this year was signed by Mercedes-Benz; the car manufacturer is planning to consolidate several logistics locations in the region and signed a contract for around 124,000 sqm in a new development in Bischweier. The following four largest deals were concluded by retailers: the two deals registered in the first quarter, Galaxus in Neuenburg am Rhein and Fressnapf in Nörvenich, were joined by Nordwest Handel AG and Lidl in the second quarter. In these recent deals, Nordwest Handel AG commenced construction of an around 68,000 sqm logistics centre in Alsfeld and Lidl signed a contract for 64,000 sqm in Hückelhoven.

The Ruhr area once again claimed the top spot in the ranking of regions outside the Big 5 after generating around 225,600 sqm of take-up, an increase of 6% year-on-year. This was followed by the Cologne region with 150,400 sqm and Leipzig/Halle with 74,800 sqm.

69% of take-up in the ≥5,000 sqm size category involved new buildings or developments, while in the >50,000 sqm category, the share was 100%.

Contact us

Our Industrial and Logistics contacts:

Industrial Leasing:
Sarina Schekahn, Head of Industrial & Logistics Agency Germany

Industrial Investment:
Diana Schumann, Co Head Industrial Investment Germany
Dominik Thoma, Co Head Industrial Investment Germany

Helge Scheunemann, Head of Research Germany


Do you have any questions or suggestions regarding the Logistics and Industrial Market Overview? Contact us:

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